Sunday, June 7, 2015

Half-Way Point


                                                                   Half-Way Point

   It is hard to believe that as of June 1st, our mission is half over. The time has really flown by. I guess it's true that when you love what you are doing, it is not like "work."
   We continue to have some exciting adventures. On May 23rd, we took a Senior Trip to Adam-ondi-Ahman. There were about 20 of us, with couples and Senior Sisters. I think that all of us had been there before, but this time we had the Stake Patriarch from there, Brother Bonnet and another Brother, Brother Bunker, take us on a tour. Their knowledge of the area was wonderful to hear. It is really incredible to think that Adam and Eve and their posterity down to Noah, then our modern Prophets, Joseph Smith, and Brigham Young, walked this area is quite remarkable.
Preacher"s Rock

   This photo is of Preachers rock. The early church leaders, including Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Preached from this rock to the congregation below. The accoustics are amazing. Brother Bonnet had us walk down the hill to a grove of trees, then he started talking to us in a normal tone of voice and we could hear him perfectly. he kept having us move back, and we could still hear him.
     This is the grove, I talked about. It is also, according to Brother Bonnet, where Adam will gather all of the Prophets, both ancient and modern and many others, for what they called the Grand Sacrament Meeting. It is such a lovely and serene place. They have 8 senior couples taking care of the area, and though it is in our Mission boundaries, it is it's own mission. Presided over by the 1st Presidency.
    We got to go and see places that you normally do not get to go. Our mission President calls our mission the ALPHA and OMEGA mission, and I guess that is true. It all started here and it will end up here as well. An exciting thought!!
    There was another interesting side note. they have a trailer there that any general authority who comes, can stay in, right there at Adam-ondi-Ahman.
General Authorites Trailer
    Brother Bonnet and Bunker also took us to an old cemetary, where many persecuters of the church in Missouri are buried. It was very interesting. there are some old headstones. The photo I am showing is of some headstones that they found lying around, that they didn't know where they belonged so they just lined them all up.

Our Group at the Everly Cemetary

     After lunch we went to Jamesport, it is an Amish community not too far from Adam-ondi-Ahman. It is a fun place to visit, and the stores there have all kinds of interesting things. Their bakery is amazing. We all love their mini pies, and cinnamon rolls. Most of us have bought their Amish cutlery. The brand name is Rada, you can buy it online but it is very expensive. There in Jamesport it is pretty cheap, and the quality it awesome. 
Amish Buggy in Jameport Missouri
    We had a great day together. We hope to do some more exploring of this wonderful place.